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Epson F2000 OEM Inks and 100% Polyester Printing with Image Armor LIGHT Shirt Formula

Epson-F2000-White-polyester-shirt-and-19-washesUPDATE: We have been continuing the wash testing of the Epson F2000 OEM inks printed on a 100% polyester white shirt. The left side of the shirt had been pretreated with Image Armor LIGHT Shirt Formula. The shirt was then printed with original Epson OEM inks.

As you can see in the image to the left, we pretreated the left side of the shirt with Image Armor LIGHT. The right side had no pretreatment.

The shirt has been washed in hot water and then dried on high heat. The shirt currently has 19 washes  and the print difference and color vibrancy of the pretreated side of the shirt still looks great in comparison to the untreated side.

Click on the picture below for a larger view of the entire printed shirt. The most noticeable difference is in the shadow of the glass where you can see the color vividness between the left side that was pretreated vs the side that was not pretreated.
